CBSE Affliliation No.: 1730987
School Code: 11424


The School boasts of a well furnished library with books related to various intrests and subjects.  We prescribe a lot of magazines and news paper for the children to read in their free time. Each class has a library period in school where the children are allowed read books of their choice. Book reading remains the best source of knowledge and a healthier alternative to surfing. To encourage the reading habit, DPSS has set-up large and spacious library housing more than 2,500 books which include reference books, encyclopedias, story books for all ages, fiction, biographies & auto biographies,  audio-video CDs, DVDs, etc. School library prescribes newspapers and magazines like Physics today, Chemistry today, Biology today, Pratiyogita Darpan (Hindi & English), Maths today, Current Affairs magazines along etc. 

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